So it seems the major complaint with the film so far has been the pace; in fact, the pace has proved to be such a problem Cinema Score audiences are currently holding at a solid D! Now I personally don't mind a slow pace, generally speaking, but even I have to admit it really takes its time. Outside of one action beat at roughly the 30 minute mark not a whole lot happens. The title, the trailer (which is seriously one of the best trailers I've ever seen, BTW), and a weirdly-lingering shot of a particular painting all seem to suggest something more along the lines of a creature film when that couldn't be further from the case. The 'It' of the title is largely a metaphor for fear and paranoia destroying a group from the inside out, which is a type of film we've seen a million times.
None of this makes It Comes at Night a bad film, per say, because there is a lot to recommend here. The acting is excellent, and the writing/direction by Trey Edward Shults are both great, but none of that saves this from being a perfectly skippable film. I liked it, but I don't feel I can recommend it, so make of all this what you will.
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